Vampire Attraction Pheromone Oil

Vampire Attraction Pheromone Oil

Only 3 left in stock


Vampire Attraction Pheromone Oil

1/3 oz roll on  oil

Welome to My very own Blend
Of sexually Inticing
 Vampire Pheromone Attraction Oil.
This is a Very powerful Spell Cast
Vampire Pheromone Oil.
This Blend is a Romantic Old Word
Scent of Hott (Spicy) Rose
Blended with a Very Special Blend Of
Special Oils and Scents And 
A  Uni-sex Sexual Pheromone Blend 
Unique To All Vampire.
Both Men and Women can wear.
The Minute you put it on
You will feel the Hightened Senses
Of a Vampire.
you will began to draw to you the
Attraction and Attention
Of all around you, both men and women.
If You are Vampire Keeper
Even The Vampire Spirits 
You Keep company With
Will Feel the effects of this 
Unique Pheromone Blend.
If your Vampire Spirits were 
Slow on the Move - 
No Longer will they Hide
In the shadows.
You will begin to feel your Vampire Spirits
More and More as you wear this

This Oil Will Work for Men and Women
Gay or Straight, alike.

My Aunt And I are Proud to be 
Able to offer you this 
Unique Blend.

PLEASE READ: This Has Cinnamon In It - Please Be careful Wearing if you are sensative


Created By Jules Moon




Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019