Orange Spice Special Black Tea

Orange Spice Special Black Tea

Only 13 left in stock


Comes in 1oz packages.

This has a well-balanced combination of vanilla, cinnamon, citrus, and ginger with a superior Ceylon black. If you are looking for a citrusy and spicy black, but not a chai, this one is for you.
Insider Tip: Many customers looking for something similar to their favorite citrus/spice bagged tea go for this one. It is similar, but full of the quality and flavor of loose leaf tea!
Caffeine Level: High  
Steep Time and Temp: 208 degree for 4 - 5 minutes 
Learn More:
Teas can be flavored a number of ways, through the inclusion of ingredients - such as flowers, nuts, or berries, the addition of oils or extracts - such as citrus or vanilla, or by using artificial flavors. After being added to a base tea, these ingredients are blended together in a number of ways, either in large batches in a blending machine or in small batches by hand. Some teas are flavored through their processes, such as Lapsang Souchong, which is smoked over pine fires during drying.
Ingredients: Black tea, orange peel, cinnamon pieces, ginger pieces, flavoring, vanilla pieces


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
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Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019