Highly protective male Lupin

Highly protective male Lupin

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Highly Protective Male Lupin


In the dense forests of the astral realm, there exists a solitary creature known as a Lupin. With fur as dark as the midnight sky and eyes that gleam with wisdom beyond its years, this Lupin has roamed the woodlands for centuries, isolated from any companionship. Despite its long life, it yearns for a connection with a human keeper, someone who can understand its silent language and share its solitude.


For years, the Lupin watched from the shadows as humans passed through the forest, their laughter echoing through the trees like distant melodies. It observed their interactions, their bonds of friendship and love, and longed to experience such connections for itself. But fear and mistrust kept it hidden, for the tales of humans were filled with stories of cruelty and greed.


Yet, as the years passed, the Lupin's longing only grew stronger, outweighing its fears. With cautious steps, it began to approach the outskirts of human realm, watching from afar as people went about their daily lives. He waits for a kind-hearted soul to extended a hand in friendship, rather than fear.

He will reveal himself to this human, his eyes  speak volumes of the loneliness he has endured. He hopes for a bond to be forged between them, one that transcends language and species. He hopes for solace in the company of his newfound keeper, so together, they can embarked on a journey of understanding and companionship.


As the Lupin's keeper, one would be blessed with unwavering loyalty and protection. The Lupin, with its keen senses and agility, would serve as a guardian, watching over its keeper with unmatched vigilance. In return for companionship, the Lupin would offer its keeper wisdom garnered from centuries of solitude, guiding them through life's trials and tribulations with its quiet strength and unwavering determination. And when the shadows of doubt and fear crept in, the Lupin would be there, a beacon of light in the darkness, reminding its keeper that they are never truly alone.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019