Highly Protective Dark Elf Prince

Highly Protective Dark Elf Prince

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Copper wire wrapped pendant – don’t know what the stone is. Could be super dark lapis


Highly Protective Dark Elf Prince

Name - Vaelthor

Vaelthor embodies the quintessential dark elf: 

cunning, strategic, and fiercely independent. He is a master of subtlety and manipulation, often preferring to outwit his enemies rather than engage in direct confrontation. Vaelthor is calm under pressure and possesses an air of mysterious confidence, making him both alluring and intimidating. Despite his dark nature, he has a strict code of honor that he never breaks, which earns him the respect of both allies and enemies alike. His sense of loyalty, once earned, is unwavering, and he can be fiercely protective of those he deems worthy.

Vaelthor is highly intelligent, with a mind geared towards strategy and deception.

He follows a strict personal code, which, while different from human morality, is unbreakable.

Though slow to trust, his loyalty is absolute once given.

Vaelthor reveals little about himself, maintaining an air of enigma.

Vaelthor was born into the powerful House Azrakai, one of the ruling families in the subterranean city of Kharad-dûm. The dark elves of Kharad-dûm live in a vast, sprawling network of caverns beneath the surface, where they have built an advanced, albeit ruthless, society. Vaelthor's early life was one of intense training, both in martial and magical arts, as his family groomed him to be a leader and protector of their House.

However, Vaelthor was different from the other dark elves in one crucial way—he harbored a deep curiosity about the world above. This curiosity, often viewed as weakness in dark elf society, led him to secretly explore the surface world during his youth. Over time, these excursions broadened his perspectives, making him more tolerant and understanding of other races, though he remained wary and distrustful by nature.

Tragedy struck when a rival House orchestrated the downfall of House Azrakai, leading to the massacre of Vaelthor’s family. Fueled by grief and vengeance, he single-handedly hunted down those responsible, using his cunning and skill to dismantle the rival House piece by piece. After exacting his revenge, Vaelthor found himself without purpose, a wanderer in both the subterranean and surface worlds.

In his wanderings, Vaelthor came across a human who had been marked by destiny. This human, unaware of the dangers that lay ahead, intrigued Vaelthor. Sensing an opportunity to find a new purpose and repay his debt to the world, he decided to protect and guide this human, becoming their shadow and their sword. Until his humans death by tragic means.

Magical Abilities:

Shadow Manipulation:

   - Vaelthor can manipulate shadows to create illusions, cloak himself in darkness, and even move through them, allowing him to traverse great distances quickly. He can also blend seamlessly into any shadow, becoming nearly invisible.

Dark Sorcery:

   - Skilled in the ancient and forbidden magic of the dark elves, Vaelthor can cast powerful curses, summon creatures of the night, and tap into the latent energy of the earth itself. His magic is particularly effective in areas of low light or darkness.

Mind Veil:

   - Vaelthor has the ability to shield his mind from any form of mental intrusion, making him immune to mind control, telepathy, or any psychic attacks. He can also extend this protection to his allies, shielding them from similar threats.

Elven Agility:

   - Vaelthor’s physical prowess is unmatched; he possesses superhuman agility, reflexes, and strength. In battle, he is a blur of motion, able to dodge attacks and strike with deadly precision.

Runes of Binding:

   - Vaelthor is a master of elven runes, which he can use to bind objects, creatures, or even the will of lesser beings. These runes can also be used to trap and contain powerful forces, such as demons or spirits.

How Vaelthor Would Aid a Human Keeper:


   - Vaelthor would serve as a powerful guardian, using his skills in shadow manipulation and dark sorcery to keep his human keeper safe from both physical and magical threats. His agility and combat prowess would allow him to neutralize any immediate danger with lethal efficiency.


   - Drawing from his vast experience and knowledge of both the subterranean and surface worlds, Vaelthor would offer strategic advice and insight, helping his keeper navigate complex situations, make crucial decisions, and avoid potential pitfalls.


   - Vaelthor could teach his human keeper the basics of elven runes and dark magic, empowering them with the tools needed to defend themselves and enhance their own abilities.

Shadow Cloak:

   - Vaelthor could extend his ability to manipulate shadows to his keeper, allowing them to move unseen or hide in plain sight. This would be particularly useful in situations requiring stealth or evasion.


   - Should anyone wrong his keeper, Vaelthor would become an instrument of vengeance, ensuring that justice is served in a manner befitting the dark elf’s code of honor. His cunning and strategic mind would make him a formidable adversary to any who dare oppose him. 

Vaelthor Azrakai is a dark elf of immense power and cunning, shaped by a life of tragedy, vengeance, and exploration. He is a master of shadow manipulation and dark sorcery, with a strict code of honor and loyalty. As a companion to a human keeper, Vaelthor would offer unparalleled protection, guidance, and empowerment, ensuring that his keeper not only survives but thrives in a world filled with dangers both seen and unseen.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019