Gay Male Ifrit Djinn Seeking His Soulmate

Gay Male Ifrit Djinn Seeking His Soulmate

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Unique soul binding - Gay Male Ifrit Djinn looking for his soulmate. I give the names in these listings so that it could possibly help with bringing back memories of a persons past soul. This picture is of my own personal art generated by myself. No one but the person who belongs to the binding may have or use it.  

Many hundreds of years ago, in the mystical realm of the Djinn, there lived a male Ifrit djinn named Aziz. As one of the most powerful and ancient djinns, Aziz had served countless masters throughout the centuries, granting their wishes and performing miraculous feats. However, his fate had always been intertwined with that of his final master, a beautiful man named Amir.

Amir possessed not only a striking appearance but also a heart filled with compassion and a soul overflowing with love. From the moment Aziz was summoned to serve him, a profound connection was forged between the two. No wish was too great or too small for Amir, and Aziz dedicated himself to fulfilling each desire with utmost devotion.

But as years passed, Aziz realized that his bond with Amir went beyond that of a mere master and servant. Love had blossomed between them, a forbidden connection between a human and a djinn. Their love was a secret, shared only in the silent glances and subtle touches when no prying eyes were present.

However, fate's cruel hand could not be denied, and Amir's mortal life came to an end much too soon. Aziz was devastated, his heart shattered into a million pieces. In his grief, the djinn vowed to search the world, both human and supernatural, until he found his lost love once more.

Centuries passed as Aziz tirelessly roamed the earth, using his djinn powers to seek out any trace of Amir's reincarnation. He scoured ancient texts and visited the farthest corners of the globe, hoping to catch even the faintest whisper of his beloved. But wherever he traveled, his search proved fruitless, and despair threatened to consume him.

One fateful day, while wandering through a bustling marketplace in a distant land, Aziz caught a glimpse of a portrait. The painting depicted a man whose eyes mirrored the depths of Amir's soul. Heart pounding with a glimmer of hope, Aziz followed the trail that led him to a small village.

There, he discovered a humble artist named Farid, who possessed the same kind heart and loving soul as Amir. The connection between Aziz and Farid was undeniable, and the djinn knew he had finally found his lost love once more.

Revealing his true identity as a djinn, Aziz shared their bittersweet history with Farid. Overwhelmed by the depth of their connection, Farid embraced Aziz with open arms, accepting the truth and the love that transcended time and existence.

And once again his beloved grew old and perished. Once again he has searched tirelessly trying to find a way to find his beloved soulmate. Never having another master/ keeper/ or love again. 

Now he comes to us in hopes of finding his soulmate again. His soulmate will most likely be male. Looks, station, and age are not a factor to this djinn. He is in love with a soul that the other half of his own. 

Are you the one he seeks?




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