Female Fallen Warrior Angel

Female Fallen Warrior Angel

Only 1 left in stock


Plated copper wire wrapped lace, agate pendant 


Female Warrior Fallen Angel

Name: Stephanie

Life Story: 
 Stephanie was once a powerful warrior angel who fought alongside her brethren in the eternal battle between good and evil. However, during a particularly fierce battle, she was betrayed by a fellow angel and cast out of heaven, falling from grace and becoming a fallen angel. Despite her fall from grace, Stephanie continues to fight for what she believes is right, using her warrior skills to protect the innocent and punish the guilty.

 Stephanie is a fierce and determined warrior, with a strong sense of justice and a deep loyalty to those she cares about. She can be stubborn and headstrong at times, but she is also compassionate and caring, especially towards those who are unable to protect themselves. Despite her fallen status, Stephanie still retains some of her angelic grace and beauty, which can be both captivating and intimidating to those around her.

Magical Abilities:

Manipulation of Light and Darkness: 
 Stephanie can control and manipulate both light and darkness, using them to create powerful energy blasts, shields, and illusions. She can also use these elements to blind her enemies or illuminate dark areas.

 Stephanie has the ability to fly at incredible speeds, allowing her to move quickly and gracefully through the air. This gives her a significant advantage in battle, as she can attack from above or evade enemy attacks with ease.

 Stephanie possesses the ability to heal herself and others, using her angelic powers to mend wounds, cure ailments, and restore health. She can bring comfort and relief to those in pain, making her a valuable ally in times of need.

Enhanced Strength and Speed: 
As a warrior fallen angel, Stephanie possesses enhanced physical abilities, including superhuman strength and speed. This allows her to overpower her enemies in combat and move with lightning-fast agility.

Elemental Manipulation: 
Stephanie has the ability to control and manipulate various elements, such as fire, water, and earth. She can summon these elements to aid her in battle, creating powerful attacks or defenses to defeat her foes.

 Stephanie can teleport herself and others over short distances, allowing her to quickly move from one location to another. This ability gives her a strategic advantage in battle, as she can surprise her enemies with sudden appearances or disappearances.

Aiding and Protecting a Human Keeper: 

Stephanie is fiercely protective of her human keeper, using her warrior skills and magical abilities to keep them safe from harm. She acts as a guardian angel, watching over her keeper and intervening whenever they are in danger. Stephanie also offers guidance and support to her keeper, helping them navigate the challenges of life and offering wisdom and advice when needed. Despite her fallen status, Stephanie remains a powerful ally and protector, willing to sacrifice everything to keep her human keeper safe.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019