Extremely Protective Prince Drow Elf (Open to love)

Extremely Protective Prince Drow Elf (Open to love)

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Extremely Protective Prince Drow Elf (Open to love)

Handmade wire wrapped labradorite pendant


Extremely Protective Prince Drow Elf (Open to love)

NAME - Valdrith

Life Story:
Valdrith was born in the vast subterranean city of Zar’noth, a sprawling metropolis hidden deep within the Underdark. As the son of a high-ranking priestess of Lolth, the Spider Queen, and a master assassin, his path seemed destined for power and treachery from the start. However, unlike most Drow, Valdrith was never content with the endless cycle of betrayal and bloodshed that defined his society. He sought something more meaningful—a purpose beyond the cold, calculating politics of the Underdark.

From a young age, Valdrith exhibited an unusual affinity for music, particularly the haunting melodies of the ancient Drow ballads. He trained as a bard in secret, using his talents to weave powerful spells into his music. His voice could inspire courage, induce fear, or lull even the most vigilant foes into a deep slumber. Despite his mother’s wishes for him to pursue a path of power through violence, Valdrith continued to hone his craft in secret, often using his abilities to subtly manipulate events from the shadows.

Valdrith’s life took a drastic turn when he encountered a mysterious artifact deep within the catacombs of Zar’noth—a black crystal harp that resonated with an ancient and powerful magic. When he played it, he found himself connected to the echoes of forgotten songs, the very essence of the Underdark itself. This discovery fueled his desire to break free from the rigid confines of Drow society and explore the world above.

Eventually, Valdrith staged his own disappearance, faking his death to escape the clutches of his ruthless family. He wandered the surface world, learning new songs, gathering knowledge, and refining his magical abilities. His travels led him to the service of a human keeper, whom he felt a deep connection with—perhaps the first genuine bond of friendship he had ever experienced.

Valdrith is an enigmatic and complex individual. His time in the Underdark has made him cautious, calculating, and strategic, but his heart is not as cold as most Drow. He is deeply introspective, often lost in thought, and possesses a melancholic, almost tragic air about him. Despite this, Valdrith has a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor that surfaces in unexpected moments.

He is loyal to those who earn his trust, though such loyalty is not given lightly. Valdrith has little patience for deception or betrayal, and he despises cruelty for cruelty’s sake, a trait that sets him apart from many of his kin. He values knowledge, art, and beauty in all forms, often expressing himself through music and poetry. His experiences have made him empathetic, understanding the pain and struggles of others, though he rarely shows this side of himself openly.

Magical Abilities:
- Song of Shadows: 
Valdrith can weave shadows into his music, creating illusions, cloaking himself and others in darkness, or even summoning shadowy creatures to do his bidding. This ability makes him an expert at infiltration and espionage.

- Harbinger’s Lullaby:
By playing a haunting melody on his harp, Valdrith can put enemies to sleep, regardless of their strength or resistance. The lullaby can affect multiple targets within its range, making it a powerful tool for ambushes or escapes.

- Echoes of the Underdark:
Valdrith can tap into the ancient magic of the Underdark, allowing him to manipulate the earth and stone around him. He can create fissures, cause cave-ins, or even summon the essence of the Underdark to empower his spells, giving them a darker, more potent edge.

- Mourner’s Requiem:
- This spell channels the sorrow and grief of lost souls into a powerful attack. When Valdrith plays this requiem, spectral figures rise from the ground, striking terror into the hearts of his enemies and sapping their will to fight.

- Binding Melody:
Valdrith can use his music to bind others to their word, compelling them to follow through on oaths or promises. This ability makes him an excellent negotiator and enforcer of deals, ensuring that no betrayal goes unpunished.

 How He Would Aid a Human Keeper:

Valdrith would be an invaluable ally to a human keeper, offering a combination of strategic insight, magical power, and emotional support. His abilities in manipulation and subterfuge would make him a formidable asset in any situation requiring subtlety or deception, whether it be gathering information, infiltrating enemy strongholds, or turning the tide of battle from the shadows.

His music, imbued with powerful magic, would not only provide a calming presence but also serve as a tool for protection and healing. Valdrith could use his songs to bolster the morale of his keeper and their allies, heal wounds, or even manipulate the battlefield to his advantage.

Valdrith’s deep knowledge of both the Underdark and the surface world would also make him an excellent guide and advisor, helping his keeper navigate complex political landscapes or avoid dangerous traps. Despite his Drow heritage, Valdrith’s loyalty would be unwavering once earned, and he would go to great lengths to protect his keeper from harm, using every tool and trick at his disposal.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019