60 minute Pet Crystal Reiki

60 minute Pet Crystal Reiki

Only 10 left in stock


This is for a 60 minute session.

Lets start by saying: Reiki healing of any kind is NOT a cure. It is an aide. Never take any Reiki healing over your Dr.'s treatment plane. Use Reiki in conjuntion with your Dr.'s treatment.


I will need the full name of the pet, and a photo. You will receive an email scheduling a session time. And an email when the session ends. No other emails. No readings. 

We love our pets as we do ourselves. They are an important, and vital part of our lives and hearts. Here we offer a way to give the the same care we give to our human children. The same good treatment we give to ourselves.  

Reiki is a form of alternative medicine known as crystal or energy healing is performed by practitioners who use semiprecious stones such as quartz, antenna, and agate. According to its practitioners, these items can help boost a person's energy levels and prevent negative energy from entering their body. We believe these can also release blocked energy and transform a person's aura. In this process, the we use the patient's full name and favorite color, or a photo to connect with their energy via distance reiki.

This method involves placing crystals on certain parts of the body (or on the photo), which correspond to the body's various energy centers. The practitioner then uses the crystals to create an energy grid, which is designed to guide the client's healing energy.

Through the hands of a practitioner, the energy flows to you. It is said that this form of healing helps connect you with the universal life force energy.

The client chooses the energy flow that they want to receive through the hands of the practitioner. This allows them to know that they are receiving the proper support. This balance allows the practitioner to meet their client's needs in a way that is both beneficial and appropriate.

The transfer of healing energy from me to you can have many positive affects, such as:

    Bring on a meditative state.

    Aide in tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery.

    Stimulate your body’s immune system.

    Promote natural self-healing.

    Relieve pain and tension.





Reiki Can also aide in the healing of:


    Chronic pain.

    Digestive problems.

    Psychological distress, including depression and anxiety.

    Stress-related illnesses.


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